Not too long ago I was running some time sensitive errands for work. It was the middle of the day but things were busy. The production office I was working out of at the time was right on the periphery of a large industrial area. The extremely narrow under kept two-lane road lead to a main street and was full of cars.
I was a few vehicles from the light where a large semi truck with a full trailer was trying to turn left at a yield. The light went green, the truck didn’t move.
Over the next few minutes there were many gaps the truck could have taken to turn left but it didn’t turn. It would start to grumble forward, barely getting in gear, and then it would brake.
“Come on!” I thought and probably said out loud, “Where did this guy learn to drive!?”
But despite my frustration I sat waiting. A few horns blared and a hand full of cars were starting to pull into the other lane and go straight to find an alternate route, honking as they passed the truck.
I was about to do the same when I leaned my head back on my headrest and looked up at the big frustrating truck, really for the first time: ‘Allied Truck Driving School’
Suddenly my mind shifted gears. I pictured the new truck driver sweating bullets behind the wheel of this huge truck, under the scrutiny of his instructor, amid the horns of angry people and the insanely crowded intersection, all while trying to get this monster in gear in enough time to shoot a gap on a left hand yield.
Instantly my frustration went away and I said a small prayer for the person who just minutes before I was cursing.
You sir, are a better man than I. I would be honking like crazy and get really upset.
Then I would go around and be all "what's his problem?!"
Or maybe I would be calm like you. I don't know. LA traffic sucks.
Great story and insight.
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