Here are a few thoughts I feel I have obtained when I have, at times, found myself in darkness looking for what is true in life. If any of them you find valuable that is great. If none of it is, or you simply disagree with me, that is fine too. It is merely my feelings an beliefs based on the experiences that I have so far. Good luck in all you do and seek!
What we feel does not change the truth. What we believe does not change the truth. We cannot put all our trust in men because men fail. We must first put our trust in the idea that there is truth, it is constant and it is discoverable. Once we believe this we can begin to seek out this truth. Seek it honestly and most important seek it humbly.
This method does not presume deity is truth only that humility is key to our learning because we CANNOT learn if we are not humble. If someone thinks they know something they will not seek more knowledge on the subject. Regardless of what you know, what you feel, and what you have experienced you must admit to yourself that you have more to learn on all subjects including the ones you feel you know so well. (This is not to discount any truth or experiences you do have, but it allows an opens us to the reality that we don’t know all things.) THEN you can humbly seek truth with an open heart because you are admitting 1. That you do have knowledge and experience that is valuable, and 2. You have far more to learn. This is the definition of true humility.
Truth is a positive force not a destructive one. If it comes to the reality that you were wrong on a certain matter the honest humble searcher of truth will not discover they are simply wrong. No, they will discover any error by having truth replace it or build upon it. Thus, if you ever find yourself doubting a truth you feel you have obtained, seek within yourself to know if you doubt because something truer has come upon you. If this is the case, you will not usually doubt but will be enlightened by adding to your knowledge. Doubt is a negative force in that it only seeks to destroy as oppose to build ideas. Thus if you find yourself doubting you can be largely certain your feelings are based on fear as opposed to truth being added to you. Truth does not doubt information because you cannot add doubt. Doubt is subtractive.
In doing this I believe it is possible to find great things in this world! Since I believe truth is additive and I believe truth exists, then by default life is a positive force and doubt is simply a un-truth. This is not to assume that all truth is pleasant, but even unpleasantness can add to us. We must consider that people who live lives of doubt, or subtractive forces, do exist. But we need not look at them or their actions and presume that it truth. It is merely the result of an individual subjecting themselves to doubt or fear, subtractive/negative forces, and we need not take that as truth. The truth of doubt is that it is evidence of the destructive nature that can be when we choose base our lives on the absence as opposed to the presence of something.
We may see these people and their actions and judge that as how the world is. It may be real but that does not make it true. But hurting negative forces exist we can, and at some point usually do, experience darkness at the hands of evil. This is difficult and it is real. And because it is we can learn from it. Learn that doubt brings about darkness and that is more motivating to see real truth. Thus good can come from evil but only if we seek learning humbly and do not accept darkness as how life is and get enveloped in doubt. (This I have experienced.)
For me, my search for truth has allowed me to find God. I believe this is the source of ultimate truth. I believe that all who openly seek truth will find it, thus all who humbly and openly seek truth will find God. There are many steps of truth along the way that do not explicitly involve God, yet I feel they are still connected. Though I have found God I do not believe that I have all truth! I must remain humble or I will be damned, even in my belief in God.
Whether you feel you will find God or not, seek truth. Do not be closed to the idea of God because if you are you are not humble. If you already believe in God do not be closed to the idea that there is more truth to be had! Never, of course negating what you have, but being open to the idea that there is much more to be had!
The truth will find those who seek it. Be open to everything; seek positive building blocks of knowledge and accept what you find. Regardless of where you are at you can be happy. It is much easier said than done. But I also know it is possible because I have lived it and I am a witness of this as a truth I have found.